
Watchers Vs. Al-Qaeda

Usāma bin Lādin(Türkmenistan)→Branch of Al-Qaeda in Komazawa Valley
We would like to summarized and introduced the report of the E-mail news:
”Al-Qaeda monitor government, army, police, intelligence agency, etc. in many nations with the World Rule System. You can win terrorism knowing the World Rule System. Terrorism win if you don't know the World Rule System.
Al-Qaeda has command and the bases in countries around Afghanistan. They have branches in many nations. If the communication there is intercepted, the strategy of Al Qaeda all over the world is understood.
Komazawa Valley is a development center of IT crime and cyberterrorism. Many cyberterrorists are trained in Komazawa Valley. So Al-Qaeda have the branch in Komazawa Valley.
Watcher investigated the electric wave of Komazawa Valley over a long period of time. There are a branch of Al-Qaeda in Komazawa Valley. Watcher intercepted the electric wave of Al-Qaeda, and had recorded. Watcher recorded many orders from Usāma bin Lādin(Türkmenistan). Secret party that have base in Singapore bought all records. Secret party requested to stop APEC terrorism. Al-Qaeda propagate that they change from APEC to other summit in 2010. The secret party will publish all record if Al-Qaeda attack Singapore APEC.
Many orders from bin Lādin are recorded. Policemen of the spy and Ministry of Information obstruct the investigation in Komazawa Valley. They tell many lies to cheat media and the foreign police. Spies and swindlers cheat 'I heard it from Dr.' and 'I heard it from Mrs.' to cheat.
The spy policemen went to Komazawa using the electric wave investigation car at midnight and tell lies, 'There was nothing though the electric wave was all over investigated, too'.
The secret party bought all records of the communication of Al-Qaeda. Police and army know the operations of terrorism, they are possible to prevent terrorism."
PLS stop terrorism !
News of terrorism:
PLS read detail report by Japanese if you can:

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