

An English collect the Building Rule System in London.  Depraved Power purchased on £7,000,000 .  The people who introduce themselves the graduate or student are imitations. The depraved university and the newspaper tell many lies. The depraved power rule a lot of banks. Those bankers are spying. The doctor might tell the story of the deposit with the banker.There is no reason that tell other stories.
PLS do not speak bankers who are spies of Japanese Ministry of Information. Because spies speak only lies. Depraved power broadcast the cheated scene all over the world. Depraved power sell software that misuse the Internet. t is possible to watch cheated scene by setting software in the personal computer. Depraved power advertise the cheat all over the world. And, the newspapers lose the reader when cheated. he TV bureaus lose the viewer when cheated.
  You miss the chance to find the Building Rule System if you are cheated. You can find depraved technology. Let's report the photograph when finding the Building Rule System. They watch you. So they send swindlers. Spy oppose investigation and abuse Dr.Hashimoto. So you can find spy easy. Swindlers speak many lies to disturb survey. Swindlers say "I heard・・・・ from Dr.". Swindlers do not associate with Dr.
Depraved university, local newspaper and the bank advertise that they cheat. Then, the confidence of the newspaper decrease, and the reader of the newspaper has decreased in Japan.Their cheating methods are exposed by many blogs:
「日本やアジア諸国でも、毒やビル支配システムは見つかった。しかし情報省は三段階の言論弾圧、 騙すか、買収するか、脅すかで制圧したと宣伝している。
 情報省は、UKの全メディアを騙すことは無理だった。複数の記者や技術者がロンドンで調査をしている。ビル支配システムが1セット見つけられた。毒については、技術者は、混ぜた食品のリストを入手してるが、分析と毒性調査に時間がかかるであろう。 悪化勢力は、買収交渉中。日本円10億円に近い、7,000,000ポンドで提示してるが、英国人は断ったそうだ。それ以上金額を増やすか脅迫に転じるのか、まだ広報が無い。
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