
Various Terrorism, Komazawa Valley

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Dear Technological Development Division of IT companies, engineers, journalists,
 Komazawa Valley vs.Silicon Valley
 Silicon Valley  The heartland of IT development
 Komazawa Valley The heartland of IT crime development
 The depraved power advertise the Komazawa Valley all over the world and have business talk in exhibition space.

 USSR        arms
(Forces,KGB) → outflow → Russian Mafia
 ↓                ↓
succession           sale
 ↓                ↓
Russia       Depraved power develop depraved technology.            
(Forces,FSB)   (Plot associations,terror cells,crime organizations,etc.)

 Depraved power do propaganda and agitation to increase villains. We would like to introduce a part of their propaganda.
"Depraved power include fascist organizations, the criminal organizations, the terror cells, the plot associations, speculation network, cults and others.Depraved power deprave the world by depraved technology. Depraved technology include various technology for spy, terrorism and crime. Spy technology is a part of depraved technology.USSR had developed the strongest arms. But USSR was destroyed of 1991.Russian Mafia sale arms to depraved power. Depraved power have developed the strongest spy technology more than CIA. Now spy technology ranking are as follows.(1)Depraved power (2)Russia ・・・・・many nations.The speculation groups and the plot associations that belonged to the depraved power caused and gained economic crisis. The crime and terrorism increase using spy technology. Because the criminal organization and the terror cell are observing governments, forces, polices, and intelligence agencies. So terrorists know strategy and operation of the governments, polices, forces and others. Depraved power experiment the newest depraved technology in the Komazawa Valley. "

 Let's send engineers who work in Japan to the Komazawa Valley to collect depraved technology(arms) with wideband receiver, wave catcher system and others ! Terrorism 'll disappear if the depraved power is crushed. Because the depraved power is a money source of terrorism.

 The depraved power develop depraved technology for IT crime, cyberterrorism, economic terrorism, poison terrorism and missile terrorism in the Komazawa Valley. You can stop various terrorism if you collect depraved technology in the Komazawa Valley. You can get hints of the security technology. You can make new patents and theses.
 It is necessary to investigate in the Komazawa Valley, and to collect the depraved technology if anyone hope to stop terrorism.
 September 11 and next global terrorism in 2009:
 Economic terrorism:
 Various terrorism:
  Please access "Online crime's impact spreads - USATODAY.com".
 The depraved power make the spy sneak into a lot of offices. Spy call swindlers(Komazawa residents, graduates and others) to trick. The spy oppose the investigation in Komazawa Valley. The spy slander correct scholars. Therefore, it is easy to distinguish the spy.
 Depraved power boast that they do a lot of IT crimes, and obtain a huge profits. They use profits to control the world politics. There is a proving ground of the world's largest IT crime and cyber terrorism in Komazawa Valley. When depraved technology is collected in Komazawa Valley, the strongest security technology in the world can be developed. The company that collect it in Komazawa Valley can initiate the IT industry.
 You can raise share prices easy if you collect and publish depraved technology:
You can get big benefits:http://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/650713
Collecting method of depraved technology:http://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/683405
Total remote monitoring system for building and IT:http://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/771203
Komazawa Valley:http://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/696001
Damage of internet:thttp://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/824626
IT crime & false charge:http://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/711149

 The depraved power make the spy sneak into a lot of offices. Spy call swindlers(Komazawa residents, graduates, scholors, journalists and others) to trick. The spy oppose the investigation in Komazawa Valley. The spy slander correct scholars. Spy'll say "I heard XX from OO" or "I have surveyed Komazawa but there are nothing" if depraved power watch your office or residence by spy technology. Spies and swindlers speak lies. Therefore, it is easy to distinguish the spies and swindlers. Let's send away the swindlers. Let's send the engineer.

 The depraved power make the spy sneak into a lot of offices. Governments, companies, media and others. The spy lurk in the high official, politician, the bureaucrat, the diplomat, the police, the manager, the scholar, the journalist and others in many nations(USA, Japan, etc).Spies call swindlers.Swindlers tell many lies to trick. The depraved power slander good men.Please access:
 Spies speak above 100 lies to slander:
It is easy to collect the inside information of the depraved power:http://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/691391
 All members who belong to the depraved power take the spy, the swindle, and the training of terrorism.
 Nobody investigated the electric wave in Komazawa Valley from Jan.1 2008 to today. Nobody covered. Nobody speaked to Doctor.
 The depraved power is boasted of, "9.11 United States simultaneous multiple terrorist acts were done by cooperated international, the United States and nations were induced to the war by the lie, and depraved powers get a huge profit".
 When all arms and the depraved technology are given to the terror cell, and the world simultaneous multiple terrorist acts are done on September 11, 2009, the depraved power recruit the saying soldier.
 Depraved power announced the Poison Terrorism in almost nations. They are mixing 'Mental revulsive' (new opium) with a lot of food, drink and the medicines, remodeling the brain to cheat top management, the journalist, and the people. The evolution power teach the method of analyzing food and drink and the medicine to find mental revulsive in Komazawa Valley in Tokyo.Poison terrorism:
Collecting methods of poison:http://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/728423
Poison terrorism:http://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/661865
New infulenza,chemical arms,aids:http://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/859350
 Depraved power intervene a lot of elections, and invade the political world. Depraved power advertise next:
Depraved power send the swindlers to slander the doctor. Depraved power visit voter's house and slander 1000 times the doctor the opposition candidate. Depraved power defeat correct statesmen by a huge lies. Depraved power invade the voting systems, and falsify the vote. The depraved power are training of the invasion in the Komazawa Valley now.
 Terror parties and crime syndicates have stronger depraved technology( arms) more than polices and armies. They invade many nations.
 The depraved power is announced to public including terrorism, the crime, and other organizations. It is boasted that the depraved power is advertised the win of the criminal organization with the depraved technology of contention, and becoming the champion of the crime field, sold to the criminal organization, and rolled up.
 It is announced that the depraved power can observe the police by the criminal organization with the depraved technology, and exchange the search to public. It is announced that the depraved power can observe the army by the terror cell with the depraved technology, and exchange the attack to public.
 It is boasted that the depraved power cannot win to the terror cell if the police and the army investigate the depraved technology and it doesn't collect it. The depraved power is cheated and despises the police, the army, and media that even doesn't investigate.
 Depraved power executive's politician and financier are announcing that it superficially insists on the fight of the terror cell and the criminal organization, and it becomes the wire-puller of the terror cell back to public.
 If the depraved technology is taken up and the money source is not cut, terrorism cannot be exterminated.
 Depraved power made Komazawa Valley is the most famous area in the world. However they suppress if someone write the Komazawa Valley. Depraved power has been announced that they experiment the newest depraved technology. Depraved power announced that they exhibit, solicit, and train in the Komazawa Valley since 2000". The depraved power threaten that "We'll kill you if you write the Komazawa Valley on the Internet without permission. Policemen who are spy fabricate false charge to arrest you".
 You can acess many news by sitemap.
 The depraved power increases the false charge. The following electronic book is paid to attention.
 It is a convenient place where in the Komazawa Valley, there is "komazawa university station" of the subway, and it can go to the center of a city in 15 minutes. Announcing to public can be easily intercepted in the Komazawa Valley. Information on depraved power all over the world jump into it when living. There are people who lend land and the building of the Komazawa Valley cheaply. Please contact us.
 Please recommend this blog to read your friends. The persons who collect the depraved technology (arms) obtain the big profits. Statesmen become heros. Journalists obtain scoops. Engineers obtain the hints of the inventions. The policemen can arrest terrorists.
 Depraved powers advertise that they sneak spies in almost offices. Depraved powers threaten that spies rewrite emails and send to policemen who are spy. Depraved powers threaten that policemen who are spy arrest by false charges:
冤罪捏造チーム http://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/667675/
冤罪を批判する法律家 http://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/674120
悪化勢力が冤罪を増加 http://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/663091
冤罪脅迫警察テロ http://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/767180
悪化勢力・もみ消・冤罪 http://sinka7.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/735851

 The contributor contributed in Japanese, and translated it by "Translation software". A Japanese original is an insistence of the contributor. It would be greatly appreciated when it is possible to teach when there is a translation mistake.

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